The Snodhill Castle Preservation Trust
Snodhill Castle is owned and cared for by the Snodhill Castle Preservation Trust. Established in March 2016 by enthusiasts and the people of Snodhill, our mission is to ensure the castle never again falls into decay and neglect.
We aim to do this through working with archaeologists, historians and the community to understand and illuminate its history, and conserve its site and setting for purposes of conservation, education and enjoyment. The trust is a registered charity.

Recent timeline
Snodhill Castle enters Historic England’s first Buildings at Risk register at the No. 1 spot for the West Midlands
Superficial site survey undertaken by English Heritage
The standing remains now critically at risk, the Snodhill Castle Preservation Trust was formed by enthusiasts and the folk of Snodhill with the backing of Historic England
With funding from Historic England, the castle is rescued from collapse and a group of volunteers formed to clear the site for archaeology, ecology and access

With a major grant from the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Trust undertakes the restoration of the South Curtain Wall
The newly excavated North Tower is renamed North Keep following discovery of its unique design – restoration work begins
Archaeologists from the universities of Manchester and Cardiff and the Institute for Field Research (USA) uncover evidence of Bronze and Iron Age occupation and the remains of the castle chapel
We aim to open the North Keep for public access and continue excavations of the High Keep and Chapel